


Planning for a memorial to recognize and honor the enslaved people of John McDonogh has been in the works for nearly two decades. The journey began with the work of a passionate group of teachers who felt it was important to remember the men, 女性, and children whose labor contributed to John McDonogh’s wealth—the very wealth that led to the founding of McDonogh School.

有很多周到的计划,以确保纪念, 由退休的艺术系主任Oletha迪瓦恩设计, is a place for members of the McDonogh community—now and in the future—to remember and reflect, 学习和提问, 并对这段复杂的历史有更深的了解.

被奴役和被解放的人的纪念碑是在一次 特别的仪式 由教师,工作人员和学生出席了2022年4月19日. 



Oletha迪瓦恩, 艺术教育专家, 在麦克唐纳学院当了27年的教员,直到2020年退休. 除了和学生一起工作, 她曾担任高中视觉艺术系系主任和塔特尔画廊主任. 专业艺术家, 她的作品曾在世界各地的众多个展和群展中展出, and she has been commissioned to create original artwork by several institutions including The Reginald F. 马里兰州路易斯非裔美国人历史博物馆 & 约翰霍普金斯大学的文化和DC霍姆伍德博物馆. 她曾在MICA的Meyerhoff画廊展出, 华盛顿的科科伦美术馆, 和巴尔的摩艺术博物馆, 她在哪里举办了她的灵魂雕塑个展, 其中一幅最近被购买,并被放置在博物馆的永久收藏中. 

DeVane的社区参与包括在几个委员会服务, 包括马里兰艺术广场, 广角媒体, 以及建设海地基金会. 她是2017年Ruby基金会资助的获得者, 2021年匿名女性奖, and the Art Matters Fellowship in NY in recognition of her work involving communities for social change. 

2020年6月, 迪瓦恩被委托设计和制作“被奴役者和自由者纪念碑”. She also recently received a commission from the Municipal Art Society of Baltimore to create an outdoor sculpture for the newly renovated Lexington Market.


纪念馆是一个室外花园空间, 椭圆形, 由一堵低矮的砖墙界定,人们可以坐在上面反思. It was designed to be accessible to McDonogh’s PK to twelfth-grade population and provides an opportunity for people to have real conversations and learn about this period in history. 

位于花园中心的是一个名为“升天”的多层雕塑. 它大约有14英尺高,由A.R.T. 研究企业,艺术铸造和艺术制造公司在兰开斯特,宾夕法尼亚州. It is not only a singular element in the space but something that draws on the environment as well. 它的设计包含了花园和景观中的颜色,并将其反射回来.

  • The plinth: the sculpture will be erected on a pedestal that is similar to the platforms on which enslaved people stood during the auctions in the slave market in New Orleans.
  • 甘蔗茎:约翰·麦克唐纳在路易斯安那州拥有甘蔗和棉花种植园, 收割甘蔗是一项残酷的工作. The stalks were chosen instead of cotton because of their upward motion and the lyricism of the leaves. 
  • Sweetgum tree: the Sweetgum tree has a history in enslaved communities—it not only represents an obstacle to freedom but was also used for medicinal purposes. 与她的精神雕塑相似,DeVane在树干和树枝上加入了珠子. 当这棵树被铸成钢的时候,它会留下珠子的印记. The leaves for the sweetgum tree are from a tree on McDonogh’s campus; DeVane made models of five or six leaves for casting which have been welded to the branches.
  • Profile portraits: The profiles of a man and a woman near the top of the sculpture represent those who were enslaved. They are in profile mainly because t在这里 aren’t many portraits of enslaved Black people in the early 19th century, 黑色剪纸是当时使用的一种肖像形式. One side of each profile is smooth and the other side is three-dimensional to bring the figures to life. 代表有: 
  • 大卫·K. 约翰·麦克唐纳送他去拉斐特学院接受教育. He resisted being sent to Liberia and eventually studied ophthalmology with a doctor at Columbia University in New York. 他是美国第一位黑人眼科医生. 他死后,朋友们建立了大卫·K. 哈莱姆的麦克唐纳纪念医院.  
  • Nancy McDonogh was listed in John McDonogh’s documents as a teacher who taught people how to read. 她先是在种植园教育孩子,后来又在利比里亚教育孩子.

水被用作超越和神圣反思的元素. The water is a reference to the waterways of Louisiana and the transatlantic slave trade from which free and enslaved people from four continents emerged. 

The wall inside the garden features water cascading over the engraved names of 95 people enslaved on John McDonogh’s three plantations—Allard, McDonoghville, 和圣. 宝石——在他死的时候. The 118 other names are people who were manumitted by McDonogh to the American Colonization Society colony of Liberia. 他们分别于1842年和1859年登上马里波萨号和丽贝卡号.

除了一棵甜桉树, the area will feature a colorful purple plant similar to indigo—a crop from West Africa used for dye that is also planted in the South. 

A glass aggregate incorporated in the pathway reflects light and is a reference to sky and water. 雕塑采用了一些抛光钢来反映景观和道路. 



为纪念那些被奴役和被解放的人做准备, students in all three divisions are engaged in a series of thoughtfully-created lessons designed to give them a developmentally appropriate understanding of the memorial and history around it. 通过讨论, 实践活动, 和反射, 学生和老师正在调查以下主题:

  • 第一课代表身份: 分析和思考为什么和如何符号, 波峰, 还有一些图像代表了群体和个人的身份.
  • 第二课我们如何选择记忆: an exploration of how McDonogh—and any group or institution—finds ways to memorialize people and why remembering is important.
  • 承认被奴役人民的历史: engagement with the history of John McDonogh, his life, and the lives of his enslaved people.
  • 参与被奴役人民纪念馆: 艺术家Oletha迪瓦恩对纪念碑的研究.

In March, the entire McDonogh community was invited to learn more about the memorial during a 讨论 艺术家Oletha迪瓦恩和艺术史学家/顾问Dr. 莱斯利·金·哈蒙德博士. 洛厄里·斯托克斯·西姆斯. 该活动是麦当劳之声:一个学校的一部分. Many Perspectives—a multi-year series of learning and 讨论 opportunities designed to give stories about our past a greater voice in McDonogh’s present and future. 

纪念那些被奴役和被解放的人 will continue to be a place for the McDonogh community to remember and reflect, 学习和提问, 并对这段复杂的历史有更深的了解.


罗宾·汉密尔顿,91届艾美奖获奖记者, 导演, and writer is the producer of a documentary film about the creation of the memorial to honor the enslaved peoples of John McDonogh. The documentary was premiered following a special dedication of the Memorial during Reunion Weekend 2022. 

观看纪录片 在这里

汉密尔顿, 在麦当劳学会了批判性思考的人, 她在杜克大学发现了自己对新闻的热爱. She credits her English professors with helping her become a stronger writer and storyteller and putting her on the path to journalism. 她获得了两个硕士学位, one from New York University with a concentration in broadcast journalism and a second in public administration from Harvard University’s John F. 肯尼迪政府学院,专攻公共政策和媒体.

她以电视新闻记者的身份开始了她的新闻生涯. 在报道了几年犯罪和天气之后, 她开始为黑人历史月创作专题故事. 2012年,汉密尔顿成立了自己的公司,ARound Robin Production company. 在媒体和政策的交汇处工作, she says her work is guided by the principle of providing information that can promote transformation.



设计: Oletha迪瓦恩
斑块图纸: 克里斯托弗Kojzar
铸造与制造: A.R.T. 研究企业,兰开斯特,宾夕法尼亚州. 
总承包商: Lothorian池
景观设计: 布莱恩·斯蒂芬森


“这座纪念碑提供了无数反思和学习的机会. 在几周内, 个月, 未来几年, I hope that everyone in our school community will spend time 在这里 and remember those whose forced labor paved the way for each one of us to make a positive difference in the world.”

